Master The Art and Science of Selling and Serving …

  • Specialized Sales Training: Equip Your Sales and Service Professionals who need to sell with the Will AND skill to Sell and serve their clients for optimum results.
  • Sales Leadership Transition: Transform our sales managers to be Both a Successful Manager AND Coach.
  • Scientific Selection Assessments: Ensure you replicate your elite performers and screen out those who won’t make the cut.
  • Scientific Developmental Assessments: Coach your sales team with our SalesDNA Developmental Reports, and equip them to understand and leverage their sales strengths while working on areas for growth as they develop their personalized action plans to increase their profitable new business and renewals.

Exclusive Coaching with Dennis Fox

Are you a top sales professional or leader ready to break through a plateau or reach new heights? Our elite coaching, led by Dennis Fox, might be the perfect fit for you.

Spaces are intentionally limited to ensure personalized attention and impactful results. Schedule your complimentary consult today to explore if our coaching aligns with your goals and talents.

Our Core Services

Sales Mastery Accelerator

The Sales Mastery Accelerator program is designed for sales professionals at all levels, whether they’re just starting their journey or are seasoned veterans looking to sharpen their skills.

This comprehensive training covers everything from fundamental selling principles to advanced strategies. Participants will learn through interactive modules, real-life scenarios, and role-playing exercises, all aimed at boosting their confidence and effectiveness in today’s competitive marketplace.

Leadership Evolution Program

Transitioning from salesperson to sales leader requires a new set of skills and perspectives. Our Leadership Evolution Program is tailored specifically for sales team leaders, particularly those who have excelled in sales roles and are now stepping up to lead their peers.

This training focuses on essential leadership qualities, such as coaching for high performance, creating motivating environments, and managing for results. The participants will gain insights into their leadership style, learn how to inspire and direct a sales team, and ultimately drive team success.

Sales Persona Sales Assessments

Our Sales Persona Insight Tests harness the power of web-based assessments to illuminate the values, behaviors, and Sales DNA of your sales candidates. By measuring crucial indicators of sales potential, these tests provide a predictive analysis of who is likely to succeed in a sales role.

They’re a vital tool for organizations looking to hire new salespeople or to understand the strengths and development areas of their current team. The insights from these assessments can guide targeted coaching, tailored development plans, and informed hiring decisions.

Curious Why Your Service Techs Don’t Upsell or Ask for Referrals?

Discover how much potential revenue you could be leaving on the table. Answer these three questions to see if your team could benefit from our complimentary consultation.

Three Questions:

1.  Are you confident that your techs are ethically upselling and asking for referrals, with the desired ROI?

2. Do you have a program that trains techs to ask for referrals in a way that builds loyalty and generates business, without being pushy?

3. Have you considered how supervisors’ own beliefs about asking for referrals might influence their techs, potentially passing on reluctance or discomfort?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, book your complimentary consultation with Dennis here to learn how to maximize your revenue potential and improve your service team’s performance.

Meet Dennis Fox

Dennis Fox began his journey selling the hard way, door-to-door, and quickly realized the power of putting the client’s needs first.

This realization propelled his career forward, leading Dennis to become a Vice-President of American Salesmasters, one of the world’s leading sales and management training companies at 28, and then into a world-renowned sales and management trainer.

His transformation from traditional selling to client-centered success is at the heart of the Client Development Institute and its mission to optimize your company’s sales force for peak performance.

What Our Clients Say

From the top Salespeople who want to get to the next level to the new ones who need to get there quickly, there is no one I know of who can engage, and get results from our team like Dennis does. That is the reason all of our people, including myself, our top pros, and every new Hire are graduates of his Selling the Seven C’s Programs.

No one I have ever encountered in the market has Dennis Fox’s approach and effectiveness as a sales coach. He taught us unique, credible skills to get in the door, master referrals and network, and guide our clients through his powerfully effective discovery process.

Some of our Amazing Clients…

Our Work

  • ADT

    Overcame high turnover and transformed its sales cycle, resulting in a 30% increase in customer retention.

  • Marriott International

    Implemented our referral strategies, leading to a record-breaking year in client acquisitions.

A Unique Guarantee

If our strategy or technique does not resonate or deliver as promised, we will continue to work with you until you achieve success.

We’re committed to your satisfaction and successful outcome.